2024 - 40th Anniversary of the Dublin
2023 - 20th Anniversary of the Dublin War Memorial
pics and reports on the Past Events page
1998 – Published first book
Dublin South Australia Yesterday and Today
1999 – Identification of unmarked graves at Dublin Cemetery
2000 – Became a separate incorporated body - Dublin History
Group Inc.
2001 - Second book Memories of Dublin in joint celebration of Dublin
Townships 125th birthday and of one hundred years of Federation and
a time capsule was buried in Dublin's Lion's Park the same day the
book was launched

2002 - With the aid of a Veterans Affairs grant we restored the World
War One veterans photograph collection in the Dublin Institute.
2003 - Researched and sponsored the erection of a War Memorial and
Pioneer Path listing the names of the War Veterans of the Hundred
of Dublin, again in the Lion's Park, for all wars with the assistance
of a Veteran Affairs grant, the Mallala District Council and public
donations and laid community pavers around Memorial
2004 – First issue of the Dublin Dispatch our community newsletter
2005 – First Dublin residents’ reunion
2006 - Sponsor a granite slab at the Dublin Cemetery documenting as
many names as possible of residents known to be buried in the grounds,
but their plot numbers were never recorded. Seventy-five unmarked
graves had previously been identified by RJ Thompson with markers
being made, giving all relevant details.
2007 - Church cairns erected at both Dublin churches and Time capsule
returned to the wall at Dublin Methodist Church
2008 – Remember When Display and hosting Emu Awards with Dublin
Cricket Club
2009 – Celebrations of the 125th Anniversary of the Dublin Institute
2010 - Remember the Old School Days display and erected cairns at
all schools in the Hundred of Dublin
2011 – Third book Memories of School
2012 – Dublin History Group take up lease on the Dublin Institute
and open the Dublin History Group Research Centre. Participated in
Bloomsday at Dublin
2013 – Dublin Cemetery at this point of time display and plaque
unveiling at cemetery to recognise all the improvements carried out
by volunteers over the past 20 years and permanent grave markers replaced
the temporarily placed on the unmarked graves
2014 – Action on the home Front – Fighting Forces Comfort
Fund Display and Saluting our World War One Soldiers tree planting
2015 – New Schlodder Shelter with History Wall and We will remember
them Display and laying of World War One soldiers plaques on new Remembrance
Garden Edging
2016 – Awarded Community Project of the Year to the Dublin History
Group for the Schlodder Shelter Project at Australia Day Breakfast.
Thompson Beach Story Display and William Thompson’s descendants
2017 – Sports – Now and then display and Dublin Institute
Animal War Memorial Plaque was laid
2018 - Institutes and Halls of the Hundred of Dublin displays at Windsor
and Dublin Institutes and placing Bench Seat in Dublin Institute Remembrance
2019 - Fifteenth Anniversary
Edition of the Dublin Dispatch

2020 - Churches and Chapels
of the Hundred of Dublin including Lower Light, Windsor Church Service
and "From Christenings to Funerals Display
2021 - Parham (Port) Past
and Present
2022 - Open For Business
2023 - Protest display
The Dublin History
Group Inc. could not have made these achievements without the support
of Federal, State and Local Government Grants, Bendigo Bank, our volunteers
and the wonderful public who support us